Raymond James Podcasts

July 23, 2024 – Fixed Income Options for Portfolios

Charlotte Jakubowicz, VP Fixed Income and Currencies, joins host, Chris Cooksey, to discuss the options available in the fixed income market from the traditional bonds and GICs to newer alternative options, including:

  • What are the options available?
  • Approaches to fixed income investing
  • Bank of Canada rate cuts and the effect on the fixed income market

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July 12, 2024 – The Advantaged Investor: Summer Financial Planning Tips

Financial Planner, Yannick Rivest, joins the host, Chris Cooksey, to discuss summer financial planning tips, including:

  1. In your opinion how does a financial planner help with investor success?
  2. How important is it for your plan to evolve as you do and your situation changes?
  3. Spring/summer cleaning – as we start thinking about summer and holidays, what are some tips for people who will be distracted by summer fun?
  4. What are some of the common ‘mistakes’ you see when talking planning with clients/investors?
  5. At Raymond James we are excited to be able to offer our Total Wealth Solutions – what does TWS mean?

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July 2, 2024 - The Advantaged Investor: Talking Quantitative/Technical Analysis

Javed Mirza, Quantitative/Technical Strategist, joins host, Chris Cooksey, to discuss quantitative and technical analysis, including:

  • Overview of technical analysis
  • Overview of quantitative analysis
  • You are a Chartered Market Technician® - what does it mean?
  • How do you use technical and quantitative analysis to inform your views on what is going on in markets?
  • What are your current views?

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May 15, 2024 – Equity Market Update

Head of Investment Strategy, Neil Linsdell, joins host, Chris Cooksey, to discuss what’s going on in equity markets, including:

  • Q2 quarterly update highlights
  • Interest rate cuts
  • Differences between U.S. and Canada
  • Recession?
  • Issues in the housing market

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May 6, 2024 – Fixed Income Update

Head Fixed Income Trader, Harvey Libby, joins host the podcast to discuss what’s going on in fixed income markets, including:

  • Recent federal budget and the new capital gains taxes
  • Recap of where we are/where we have been
  • Rates and inflation
  • Opportunities
  • The importance of after-tax yields.

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March 25, 2024 - Update on the Canadian Mutual Fund and ETF Industry

Mutual Fund & ETF Specialist, Luke Kahnert, joins host, Chris Cooksey, in this episode. Luke and Chris look at the mutual fund and ETF industry, what are the trends, what are flows indicating and other interesting aspects that should be considered when looking at investing into these products, including:

  • What is new in the Canadian mutual fund and ETF industry?
  • What were some of the top takeaways from this year’s report from IFIC?
  • Do you see these growth trends for ETFs continue as we move forward and do you think, at some point?
  • Can you provide some reasons for why we are seeing this continued ETFs growth?
  • Growth in the ETF industry has been helped by ETFs have evolved from passive investing to other options, e.g. rules-based ETFs.
  • Can you touch on some of other innovations we’ve seen in ETFs over the years?
  • What other research can you provide when looking back at 2023?
  • What do you think might be a factor that will affect next year’s IFIC report?

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March 1, 2024 – Failure to Launch: Adult Dependents and Their Estate Rights

Paula Lester, Associate VP Estate and Trust Solutions, for Solus Trust, which is an affiliate of Raymond James. We recently published an article in the commentary and insights section of RaymondJames.ca called Failure to Launch: Adult Dependents and Their Estate Rights and today, Paula and host, Chris Cooksey, will be discussing this case and the questions it raises, including:

  1. Overview of the case
  2. Why is this case so astounding?
  3. Who else might have a right to support from someone’s estate?
  4. How does a court decide how much a person should receive under a support claim?
  5. What can people do when planning their estate to either prevent someone from making a successful support claim like the one in this case?
  6. Can a person avoid these support claims by making sure that all assets pass outside of the estate? For example, putting them in a trust or naming a direct beneficiary on life insurance or registered accounts?

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February 21, 2024 – Chief Economist Eugenio Aleman’s Outlook for 2024

Chief Economist Eugenio Alemán returns to the podcast to discuss his 2024 outlook with host, Chris Cooksey, including:

  • Where we are in the economic cycle
  • What may be in store for 2024
  • What is he worried about for the economy
  • Inflation and rates

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February 13, 2024 – Washington Policy Analyst Ed Mills – Hidden Fiscal Stimulus in the U.S.

Washington Policy Analyst, Ed Mills, returns to the podcast and has a wide-ranging discussion with host Chris Cooksey, including:

How bills passed in the last couple of years are only starting to hit the economy. We are talking about the Inflation Reduction Act, CHIPS and Science Act, and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill. How they could be under threat of repeal in a Trump Administration/how they should also be viewed in the lens of national security.

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January 25, 2024 – Equity Update – A Review of 2023 and a Look at How 2024 is Shaping Up

Head of Investment Strategy, Neil Linsdell, returns to the podcast to discuss equity markets, including:

  1. The market at end of 2023
  2. Inflation
  3. Interest Rates
  4. Balance portfolios and other opportunities in 2024

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January 17, 2024 – Fixed Income Update

How 2023 closed and what does 2024 look like. Head Fixed Income Trader, Harvey Libby, returns to the podcast to discuss fixed income, including:

  1. The environment at end of 2023
  2. Inflation
  3. Rates
  4. Opportunities in 2024

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November 17, 2023 – Update from Fixed Income Trading Desk

Head Fixed Income Trader, Harvey Libby, makes his regular appearance on the podcast to provide an update from the fixed income trading desk, including:

  • Review of the last quarter
  • Rates
  • Opportunities
  • Inflation
  • Where we are headed

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October 20, 2023 - Real Estate Sector Update

Equity analyst, Brad Sturges, joins the podcast to discuss the sector he covers, real estate, including:

  • The effects of interest rates and inflation
  • Update on REITs and REIT valuations and total returns beyond income
  • Update on corporate real estate
  • Comments on residential real estate

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October 2, 2023 - Head of Investment Strategy Neil Linsdell joins the podcast to discuss the Canadian economy, inflation and interest rates, including:

  • Inflation
  • Is the rate hiking from the Bank of Canada having the desired effect on tackling inflation?
  • The federal government has set lofty goals for immigration. Is that helping or hurting inflation?
  • Housing affordability
  • What does affordability mean?
  • How does all of this work back to inflation?
  • Does that mean interest rates are expected to stay higher for longer?
  • Recession?

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September 20, 2023 -Equity analyst Jeremy McCrea joins the podcast to discuss the oil and gas sector, including:

  1. Overview of the sector
  2. What Jeremy is looking at when he’s reviewing a company/the sector
  3. Outlook for the rest of the year

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September 8, 2023 -Financial Planner Ines Iraoui joins the podcast to discuss the new first home savings account (FHSA), including:

  1. What is an FHSA?
  2. Who can open an FHSA?
  3. Who is considered a first-time home buyer?
  4. What if I am a joint owner of a property and want to buy one alone?
  5. How does a FHSA work?
  6. Are FHSA contributions similar to those in an RSP?
  7. Are withdrawals from your FHSA similar to those in a TFSA?
  8. Where can I open an FHSA?
  9. When will the FHSA be closed?
  10. What if I opened an FHSA, and I decided that I didn’t want to buy a home anymore?

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August 22, 2023 - ETF & Mutual Fund Specialist Luke Kahnert joins the Advantaged Investor to discuss ETF and mutual fund flows and looks at what trends in the industry and what they may be telling us about the mindset of investors, including:

  1. Why look at ETF and mutual fund flows?
  2. Review of the first half of 2023 in mutual fund and ETF flows?
  3. Trends in the growing Canadian ETF space
  4. HISA ETFs are a popular topic today – can you briefly touch on some of the updates regarding this ETF structure?
  5. Money market ETF structures that have been generating investor demand
  6. Trends in new product launches

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August 8,2023 - Portfolio Manager Neela White returns to discuss the podcast to discuss issues facing the solo senior. Neela has been on the podcast many times before sharing her knowledge and experiences on these sorts of topics, so I encourage you to investigate the archive and check those episodes out.

  1. What is a solo senior?
  2. What should they be planning for?
  3. How should they plan differently than someone with a partner?
  4. What systems should they put in place for safety?

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July 19,2023 - Financial Planner Ines Iraoui returns to the podcast to discuss financial planning ideas you can do over the summer. Ines has been on the podcast previously, so check her previous appearances as they contain some great ideas around saving for retirement and education.

  • What are some of the ways a person can enhance their financial situation in the summer?
  • How can we evaluate our financial life, where do we start?
  • Now that we have a budget, what do we do next?
  • We now have an emergency fund – what about debt while planning for a vacation?
  • What would be the first thing to do when planning for a vacation?
  • What do we do when the vacation budget is lower this year?
  • Are there any financial tips you would give to someone before they leave on vacation?
  • When we are back from vacation, what can we do to evaluate and improve our financial situation?

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June 21, 2023 - Head of Investment Strategy Neil Linsdell joins the podcast to provide an update on equity markets and the economy, including:

  • First half of 2023
  • Interest rates/economy/inflation
  • Thoughts on recession
  • What’s the rest of the year look like?

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May 15, 2023 - Senior Trust Advisor from Raymond James Trust (Canada), Damian McGrath, returns to the podcast to discuss transferring a family business to the next generation and some considerations for estate planning, including:

  • What was in the last federal budget
  • What about estate planning and the family business?
  • What is an estate freeze?
  • What about the scenario where I have one child in the business and another not – how do I estate plan around that?
  • And what about an executor – who should that be?
  • The importance of planning.

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May 9,2023 - Financial Planner Ines Iraoui returns to the podcast to discuss some common financial planning myths, including misconceptions around:

  • Retirement planning
  • TFSAs
  • Non-registered accounts
  • RESPs

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April 3, 2023 - Portfolio Manager Neela White returns to the podcast to discuss seniors and aging in place. Specific topics include:

  • Safety tips
  • Important home modifications
  • When do we know that home is no longer manageable?

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March 21, 2023 - Head of Whole Loan Trading John Toohig (Memphis) and Nadeem Kassam (Toronto) join the podcast to discuss interest rates, loans and what's going on in the current market, including:

  • Big Picture of the current interest rate environment
  • A look at the housing market
  • What's the auto loan market saying
  • Expectations going forward

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March 15,2023 - Equity Research Analyst Stephen Boland joins the podcast to discuss the Canadian diversified financials sector. We also touch on the recent news about US regional banks (e.g. SVB), including:

  • With the recent news about some US banks, are there any similar concerns for Canadian companies?  
  • Tier 1 capital levels/liquidity of the banks compared to US peers.
  • Contagion risk of the SVB issue on the Canadian banking sector?
  • Measures currently in place to protect consumers/depositors – e.g., CDIC.
  • How are Canadian financials responding to the current interest rate environment?
  • Is there a big worry about how Canadian consumers will be able to service their loans and mortgages?
  • Strength of the sector as a whole.

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March 10, 2023 - Executive Director, Raymond James Canada Foundation & Head of Corporate Sustainability, Eric Saarvala, joins the podcast to discuss corporate sustainability and ESG, including:

  • You hear the terms, CSR, sustainability and ESG but what exactly do they all mean?
  • What are some of the trends happening in this space? How has it evolved?
  • What does this mean for Raymond James?
  • How does the work of the Raymond James Canada Foundation contribute to our ESG story?
  • What is one thing you would like us to remember from this conversation today? 

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February 23, 2023 - Head Fixed Income Trader Harvey Libby, joins the podcast to discuss what is going in the fixed income market, including:

  • With interested rates on pause in Canada, what are some fixed income opportunities?
  • Best term to invest in?
  • How is inflation affecting fixed income?
  • The yield curve is inverted, what does that mean?
  • Thoughts on rates, are going higher or lower?

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February 16, 2023 - Equity research analyst (energy) Jeremy McCrea, joins the podcast to discuss the Canadian energy sector.

  • Intuitional views of the sector
  • Recent piece 10 Red Flags to Watch Out For This Reserve Season and Alternative Solutions – maybe let us know what reserve season is and why it's important. 
  • Top three red flags (full report been posted to our social media accounts).
  • Record profits
  • M&A activity

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February 10, 2023 - Head of Investment Strategy Nadeem Kassam, joins the podcast to discuss the start of 2023 and what may happen as we go through the year, including:

  • Market performance year to date
  • What's your base case for 2023 - is a recession still in the cards?
  • How are US earnings so far?
  • Inflation, has it peaked?
  • Interest rates, is the pain here done?
  • Major risks

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February 3, 2023 - Chief Economist Eugenio Aleman, joins the podcast to discuss his 2023 outlook, including:

  • What’s going on with the debt ceiling
  • Employment
  • Inflation
  • What’s keeping you up worrying

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January 27, 2023 - Financial Planner Ines Iraoui joins the podcast to discuss registered retirement income funds (RRIFs), including:

  • Why is 71 an important age in financial planning?
    • Can you convert your RRSP at any point?
    • What about Locked-in RRSPs?
  • How do RRIF withdrawals work?
    • Are there minimum amounts for withdrawals?
    • What about the maximum? You said there isn't any?
    • What about Locked-in LIFs minimums and maximums?
  • What do these withdrawals mean for your investments?
    • A portion?
    • Why?
  • How does it affect retirement income?
    • What can individuals do to minimize the taxes?
  • Are there tax advantages that come with these withdrawals?
  • Can individuals continue to make RRSP contributions when they turn 72?
    • How does that work?

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January 20, 2023 - Senior Manager, IT Security, Dave Iverson, joins the podcast to discuss how to protect your online information and the importance of regularly reviewing your digital footprint, including:

  • Review your passwords
  • Delete social accounts you no longer need
  • Centralize items saved to the cloud
  • Review digital subscriptions
  • Double check account settings
  • Give everything a good clean
  • Delete old apps

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January 11, 2023 - Senior Trust Advisor Riaan Botha, from Raymond James Trust (Canada), joins the podcast to discuss digital assets and your estate, including:

  1. What are digital assets?
  2. Can they be part of your will?
  3. Current laws that cover digital assets?
  4. Things to consider (passwords, encryption)

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December 22, 2022 - Certified Professional Consultant on Aging (CPCA), Elder Planning Counselor (EPC) and Portfolio Manager Neela White joins the podcast to discuss ways to include family with dementia in all the activities that the holiday season presents, including:

  1. What sort of activities should we do at a holiday get together?
  2. What should we be prepared for?
  3. What should we do if the whole experience becomes too overwhelming?
  4. How long is too long for someone with dementia?

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December 19,2022 - John Toohig, Head of Whole Loan Trading for Raymond James & Associates, joins the podcast to discuss his role with firm and gives a great overview of what whole loan trading is and what the segment is indicating in terms of the overall market, including:

  1. Overview of Whole Loan Trading
  2. Current trends among consumer borrowers and lenders
  3. How the US consumer is doing
  4. Liquidity in US lending markets
  5. With talk about recession out there, are there any signs of stress in the US lending market

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December 12, 2022 - David Barcus, Head of High Yield Capital Markets for Raymond James & Associates joins the podcast to give an overview of North American high yield debt, including:

  1. What is high yield debt?
  2. How have things like raising interest rates and recession talk affected things
  3. Some of the current trends

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December 2, 2022 - Portfolio Manager & Senior Equity Specialist Larbi Moumni joins the podcast to discuss dividend investing, including:

  1. Benefits and risks of dividend-paying stocks
  2. How to evaluate dividend stocks
  3. What type of companies should investors consider when searching for dividend stocks

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November 24, 2022 - Institutional Equity Strategist Tavis McCourt joins the podcast to discuss recent market action with a look towards 2023, including:

  1. Catalysts of the recent rally from the October lows.
  2. Bear market rally or new bull? Is the worst behind us? Where do you see the best opportunities?
  3. What about bonds and cash?
  4. What are major risks to your outlook?
  5. What keeps you up at night?

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November 18, 2022 - Head Currency Trader Ajay Virk and Fixed Investment Specialist Erik Yep join the podcast to discuss rising interest rate and the effects on foreign exchange markets, including:

  1. US dollar strength
  2. Greenback/loonie
  3. BoE/GBP
  4. BoC/CAD
  5. Fed/USD

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November 4, 2022 - Because of events that occur around the world there are always reasons that investors can find not to invest. Washington Policy Analyst Ed Mills joins the podcast to help breakdown our geopolitical world and how it may effect markets, including:

  1. US midterm scenarios
  2. 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party Xi/ Hu Jintao
  3. Europe (Ukraine/Russia) and new UK PM (Rishi Sunak)
  4. Iran protest – does it spread?

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October 31,2022 - Q3 is over. What's in store for Q4 and beyond? Fixed Income Strategist Ellis Phifer and Head of Investment Strategy Nadeem Kassam join the podcast to recap the third quarter and look ahead to the fourth quarter, including:

  • The causes of current volatility, and will it end soon?
  • Central bank rate increases, including the recent rate hike by the BoC and expectations for the Fed.
  • Is the technical recession over and are we in a new bull market?
  • Q3 earning results and expectations.
  • Bond market update.

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October 21, 2022 - October is cybersecurity awareness month. Senior Manager, IT Security Dave Iverson joins the podcast to discuss phishing and provides tips on how to avoid being taken advantage of, including:

  • What is phishing?
  • What should you do if you have been phished?
  • Types of phishing scams.
  • What can you do to prevent being phished?
  • How can you fight back and help prevent phishing?

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October 17, 2022 - Thanksgiving is the start of the giving season. Senior Advisor Diana Mao in our charitable giving program joins the podcast to discuss charitable giving funds (also known as donor advised funds), including:

  • What is a charitable giving fund?
  • What are the benefits of a charitable giving fund?
  • Can other people donate to a charitable giving fund
  • What are the tax benefits of charitable donations?
  • You mentioned the benefits of in-kind donations of publicly traded securities – what are some other donation strategies available?

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September 22, 2022 - School is back in session across Canada. Financial Planner Ines Iraoui joins the podcast to discuss RESPs. Discussion includes:

  • What is an RESP?
  • Who can open and contribute to an RESP?
  • Who can be a beneficiary of an RESP?
  • Types of plans?
  • Amount per years or lifetime?
  • How long they last or can be accessed?
  • What are some of the grants available?
  • What kind of investments can an RESP hold?
  • What are the tax advantages of an RESP?
  • How do withdrawals work in an RESP?
  • Why would opening an RESP be recommended?

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September 9,2022 - Chief Economist Eugenio Alemán joins the podcast to discuss the US and global economy. Discussion includes:

  • The US heading into the Q4 of 2022 –where do things stand?
  • Recession talk - Is the US economy headed for a hard landing?
  • The Fed's battle versus inflation who is winning? Anything about the economy keeping you up at night?
  • Are there any areas of the market that remain structurally well positioned?
  • Looking outside of the US/NA anything that looks interesting/compelling?

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August 29, 2022 - Equity Research Analyst Jeremy McCrae joins the podcast to discuss Canadian energy, specifically the exploration and production sector. We explore 5 trends derived from how the 'smart money' was deployed in Q2, including

  • What 'Energy Focused' funds are buying
  • Which funds picked the best performing companies in 2Q and what are they buying now
  • Which E&P names have existing shareholders adding to (vs. selling) the most
  • Which companies are seeing the most 'new' funds take a starting position
  • Where is cross-ownership the highest and where is the potential for rotation

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August 18, 2022 - Head of Equity Research Daryl Swetlishoff joins the podcast to discuss the Canadian paper and forestry sector. In this episode we talk about the importance of this sector to the Canadian economy, including:

  1. Overview of the Canadian forestry/paper sector.
  2. Key themes and risks for investors.
  3. What industry CEOs are saying about the industry
  4. How demand/housing/interest rates affect the sector

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August 15, 2022 - Last time Fixed Income Strategist Ellis Phifer and Head of Investment Strategy Nadeem Kassam were on the podcast (end of June) we discussed the dread 'r' word. In this episode we discuss markets and the economy since then, and if their views have evolved. Discussion includes:

  • Big picture overview for the global economy – Where are we today where do we go from here?
  • July CPI numbers came in lower expected (for July) … Thoughts on inflation going forward.
  • Coupled with the decline we have seen in commodities, what does this mean for your rate expectations for the Fed/BoC? Are in we in the clear?
    • What market season are we in? Early-/mid-/late- WINTER?
  • Some risks on the horizon that markets aren't pricing in or talking less about.
  • Ideas on portfolio positioning into year-end within their equity/bond portfolios.

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August 11, 2022 - Negative headlines are all around us right now. To help sort through global geopolitical situations affecting markets and the economy, we invited our colleague in Virginia, Associate Analyst – Washington Policy Alex Anderson, on this episode of the Advantaged Investor. Discussion includes:

  1. USDevelopments on the policy side of things in US – Buyback tax, Chips Act, etc., mid-term elections
  2. US/Taiwan/China – The implication on markets/long-term geo relations, etc.
  3. Ukraine/Russia – The endgame, energy policy in Europe, etc.
  4. Other geopolitical developments.

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August 9, 2022 - As we head towards September and the start of school, many will be taking the initial steps with an empty nest. Portfolio Manager Neela White returns to the podcast to discuss empty nesters, including:

  1. What is it?
  2. What can you put in place to combat the feeling?
  3. How to help your kids deal with you?
  4. How can this affect your finances?

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June 24, 2022 - Americans are googling "recession" more than at any time since 2004, so I invited Head of Investment Strategy Nadeem Kassam and Fixed Income Strategist Ellis Phifer to join the podcast to discuss the dreaded R word, including:

  1. The NBER definition of a recession
  2. What fixed income and equity markets are hinting at
  3. Markets were hot, what has happened?
  4. Volatility, with no place to hide
  5. What can investors consider doing?

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June 7, 2022 - With inflation running hot and interest rate going up, Head of Investment Strategy Nadeem Kassam and Equity Research Analyst Brad Sturges join the podcast to discuss real estate, including:

  1. Recent performance of the REIT sector
  2. How higher rates, regulatory updates (federal budget) may affect the sector
  3. Ideas for investors investing in REITs
  4. What's going on in the residential real estate market, in light of interest rate increases
  5. Quick summary of what happened in the first half of 2022 and what may be on tap for the second half of the year

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May 13, 2022- Tavis McCourt, Institutional Equity Strategist with Raymond James Financial in Nashville and Nadeem Kassam, Head of Investment Strategy in Toronto join the podcast to discuss current market conditions and the advice they are providing to investors, including:

  1. Market volatility has pickup considerable this year leaving investors with few places to hide.
  2. Can you share with us what you have been advising your client to do during this environment?
  3. The underlying fundamentals for the economy
  4. For long-term oriented investors are there any areas within the markets that still look attractive?
  5. The headlines are painting a rather doom and gloom outlook, what's your take on this – are we headed into a recession/hard-landing?
  6. What keeps you up at night?

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May 11, 2022- Head Fixed Income Trader Harvey Libby joins the podcast to discuss fixed income markets, including:

  • Overview of what markets are saying about interests rates
  • Opportunities in fixed income
  • What risks he's keeping an eye on

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May 4, 2022 - Senior Equity Specialist & Portfolio Manager Larbi Moumni and Equity Specialist Peter Tewolde join the podcast to discuss markets, including, Sell in May and go away? What do fundamentals look like for equities today? What's causing the volatility? How do conditions affect the way they manage PIMG portfolios? How do they balance risk in portfolios?

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April 27, 2022 - CEO Jamie Coulter joins the podcast to discuss his first few months as CEO, how the firm has grown in the 20 plus years since coming to Canada, what the future looks like and the importance of providing advice to clients.

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April 13, 2022- Nadeem Kassam, Head of Investment Strategy, joins the podcast to provide context on 2022 so far, and how the rest of the year may shake out. How was Q1 2022? What's the outlook for the rest of the year? What about inflation, interest rates and the inverted yield curve?

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March 22, 2022- David Quezada , director and research analyst with our Equity Capital Markets group and Phil Hardwick, chief operating officer of Base Carbon, a recently listed company, and a widely known expert on the topic. Discussed during the podcast an overview of the carbon market, including carbon offsets, and what it could mean for investors.

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March 14, 2022- Head Currencies Trader Ajay Virk joins the Advantaged Investor to discuss how geopolitical events affect currencies and how the US and Canadian dollars are behaving while the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues. He also provides an overview of how oil's price increases will play a role in the value of currencies.

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March 1, 2022- Chief Economist Scott Brown and Washington Policy Analyst Ed Mills join the Advantaged Investor to discuss the economy and markets. In light of the situation in Ukraine, Scott provides macro economy overview of global growth, central bank policy expectations, commodities and inflation. Ed Mills also joins the podcast to provide an overview of the current situation in Russian/Ukraine; reviews recent developments; discusses ways the crisis could play out, as well as other potential geopolitical events that are on the radar for the remainder of the year (e.g. China, US mid-terms, etc.).

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February 14, 2022- Portfolio manager Neela White from our 3Macs division, joins the Advantaged Investor to discuss ways we can support seniors on holidays, including:

  1. How can we redefine Valentine’s Day so that it’s an inclusive day?
  2. What sort of activities can you plan for a senior on Valentine’s Day?
  3. How can you support someone who has been widowed?
  4. How can you support your parents who may be caring for each other?

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January 31, 2022- Head of Investment Strategy Nadeem Kassam and Managing Director in Fixed Income Research in the US, Ellis Phifer join the Advantaged Investor to review the macro environment for fixed income and equity investors. We also discuss central banks and their strategies moving forward.

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January 26, 2022- Head of Investment Strategy Nadeem Kassam joins the Advantaged Investor to discuss recent market volatility, what investors should do during times like these and provides insight on how he is combatting the many headwinds – from Russia/Ukraine, the ongoing pandemic and inflation.

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December 23, 2021- Associate Vice President & Portfolio Manager, Spencer Barnes, joins the Advantaged Investor to discuss the edition of the Managed Money Report, including:

  1. Why it is important to understand underperformance?
  2. How does peer comparison work?
  3. What is manager analysis?
  4. What is mean reversion?
  5. Corporate class funds -what are they and are they the same as a few years ago?

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December 9, 2021- Neela White, portfolio manager, joins the Advantaged Investor to discuss the issue of social isolation and its effects on individuals and society as a whole, including:

  1. How does social isolation affect your health?
  2. What factors can contribute to social isolation?
  3. Who are at particular risk?
  4. What are some things we can do to feel more connected?

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December 1, 2021- Chris Meekins, managing director, equity research at our parent firm Raymond James Financial joins the Advantaged Investor to discuss Covid-19 and the Omicron variant, including:

  1. Covid – what's the quick overview on where we stand globally in terms of spread etc.
  2. Variants- is it surprise to see new variants?
  3. What do we know about Omicron? Or even what don't we know about the variant?
  4. Is there real concern we are heading back towards where we were in March 2020?

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November 24, 2021- Head of Investment Strategy Nadeem Kassam joins the Advantaged Investor to discuss a recently written piece by our PCS team, Goldilocks and Three Bears.

Covered is why gold has lost its shine recently (compared to other commodities), environments when gold has outperformed (historically), expectations for the yellow metal in 2022, gold and portfolio asset allocation and whether crypto currencies should be viewed as a gold alternative.

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November 24, 2021- Head of Investment Strategy Nadeem Kassam joins the Advantaged Investor to discuss a recently written piece by our PCS team, Goldilocks and Three Bears.

Covered is why gold has lost its shine recently (compared to other commodities), environments when gold has outperformed (historically), expectations for the yellow metal in 2022, gold and portfolio asset allocation and whether crypto currencies should be viewed as a gold alternative.

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November 17, 2021- Damian McGrath, Senior Trust Advisor with Raymond James Trust, joins the Advantaged Investor to discuss trusts, including:

  1. What is a trust?
  2. When should a person consider a testamentary trust?
  3. What about lifetime trusts, when might these be used?
  4. Is a trust about tax?
  5. Who should be a trustee?

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November 10, 2021- Associate Investment Strategist Luiz Furlani and Head of Investment Strategy Nadeem Kassam join the Advantaged Investor to discuss their market outlook as 2021 is coming to a close and what to expect as 2022 is starting at us from the not too distant future. They also talk about the wall of worry, inflation and how important asset allocation is for investors.

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November 3, 2021- Fixed Income & Foreign Exchange Specialist, Ajay Virk has returned to give us a currency update, including:

  1. The biggest question (for Canadians) is USD/CAD, so where are we headed?
  2. Review of recent Bank of Canada comments
  3. What are market expectations telling us?

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October 26, 2021- Portfolio Manager Neela White from the 3Macs division of Raymond James returns to the Advantaged Investor podcast to discuss elder care such as differences between long term care and retirement homes, things people should know and how the pandemic has affected things, including:

  1. What is the difference between long term care and retirement homes?
  2. Do you think that the pandemic affected seniors applying to long term care?
  3. What should older adults and their adult children know?
  4. What keeps you up at night when you think of aging?

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October 12, 2021 - Associate Vice President & Portfolio Manager, Mutual Fund and ETF Strategy Spencer Barnes joins the Advantaged Investor podcast to discuss why back to school is good time to review mutual fund and ETF portfolios for the remainder of the year and going into next year and how year-end distributions can affect things. We will also touch on some notable industry trends, including:

  1. A new school year, a new portfolio?
  • September always feels like the start of a new year, regardless of if you have kids going back. What does it, or should it mean for your portfolio?
  1. What does coming into calendar year-end mean for investors in managed money securities?
  • Tax considerations? Planning?
  • What is tax loss harvesting
  1. Notable industry trends:
  • ESG
  • Fee compression

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​September 23, 2021- Senior Trust Advisor Damian McGrath from Raymond James Trust (Canada), joins the Advantaged Investor podcast to discuss estate planning, executors taxes and probate including:

  • What is estate planning
  • What is probate
  • What is it like being an executor
  • Who should I choose as my executor
  • What about taxes how do they work in an estate
  • How can we minimize taxes

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September 14, 2021- Executive Director Chantal Vallerand of Drug Free Kids Canada (DFKC) , joins the Advantaged Investor podcast to discuss the economics of addiction and how DFKC helps parents start difficult conversations.

  • We often hear that problematic substance use not only impacts the individual suffering from addiction but also has a ripple effect on society. What are the costs to society of problematic substance use?
  • What are the healthcare expenditures when it comes to prevention vs treatment of drug related problems?
  • From your perspective, what is a good starting point for discussing substances with youth, and who should be involved in the conversation? 
  • Issues with substance use can hit closer to home for some youth, either due to personal lived experience or that of a loved one. This can make conversations more challenging at times. How would you approach discussing substance use in this instance?

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August 19, 2021- Larbi Moumni, senior equity specialist & portfolio manager, joins the Advantaged Investor podcast to discuss Raymond James Guided Portfolios, including:

  1. An overview and update of the Guided Portfolios.
  2. A discussion on how these portfolios are managed – the multi-disciplined approach that underpins the investment process, and what a quality company is.

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August 11, 2021- Emma Querengesser, senior alternative investments specialist, joins the Advantaged Investor podcast to discuss alternative investments, including:

  1. What are alternative investments?
  2. How alternative investment products can fit in a portfolio?
  3. What should investors consider to determine if these investments make sense for their situation?
  4. Who/What invests in alternative investments?
  5. How did alternative investments perform during COVID-19?

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July 27, 2021- Head of investment strategy, Nadeem Kassam, returns to the Advantaged Investor podcast to review first quarter market strength, recent volatility and what how the Delta variant may affect investors.

  1. In the first half of the year most equity markets globally have performed extremely well, including the S&P/TSX and S&P 500 index, which have posted double-digit returns, what is your outlook going forward?
  2. When we spoke in June you were fairly positive on the outlook for the global economy, including both Canada and the US. Has this changed at all given the recent spike in COVID-19 cases across the world due to the more infectious/contagious delta variant?
  3. We have seen a recent spike in volatility over the past few weeks. What is the reason for this and what do you suggest investor do should volatility pick up from here?
  4. How do you think about asset allocation over the next 12-24 months and maybe even longer-term
  5. Where do you see the best opportunities today?

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July 15, 2021- Ajay Virk, a fixed income and foreign exchange specialist, joins the Advantaged Investor podcast to review the world of foreign exchange, including:

  1. The most obvious question on people's minds today, as it pertains to FX is what is the outlook for the US dollar going forward?
  2. USD/CAD has been on a run since last March, where do you see the pair headed?
  3. Key things to be watching for going forward from an FX perspective.

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June 16, 2021- Nadeem Kassam, head of investment strategy, joins the Advantaged Investor podcast to review equity markets, including:

  1. Expectations for the back half of the year and into 2022
  2. Equity valuations, considering the robust earnings outlook and the current low yield environment, are they justified
  3. Areas of the market with the greatest opportunities in both Canada and in the US
  4. We just finished up Q1 earnings season in the US; Nadeem's take
  5. Published piece called, Getting hot in here, which discusses the recent pickup in inflation and discusses investor positioning ideas?

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June 4, 2021 - Greg Jizmayjan, one of Raymond James estate planning advisors, joins the Advantaged Investor podcast to discuss income replacement, including:

  1. What your greatest asset"?
  2. Isn't life insurance more important?
  3. Where does employer provided group long term disability fit in?
  4. What about association plans like the Ontario Medical Association or professional engineers associations?
  5. Which one is more important to have: disability insurance or critical illness Insurance?
  6. Where's a good place to start?

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May 14, 2021- Harvey Libby, vice president, fixed income & currencies, joins the Advantaged Investor podcast to discuss the fixed income market, including:

  • The current state of fixed income markets
  • Inflation risks
  • Prospects of rising rates

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April 30, 2021 - Neela White, portfolio manager with 3Macs, a division of Raymond James, joins the Advantaged Investor podcast to discuss elder abuse;

  • Post pandemic, do you feel that the focus on LTC has lost its shine?
  • Do you think that as a result of the pandemic, financial abuse has increased?
  • How do you recognized abuse, neglect and financial abuse?
  • What can you do?
  • I know that your parents aged in place with private assistance, was there anything that you were worried about?

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April 23, 2021 - Debbie Wong, vice president, tax consulting with the Raymond James Private Client Group, joins the Advantaged Investor podcast to discuss the 2021 federal budget

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April 15, 2021- Nadeem Kassam, head of investment strategy with the Raymond James Private Client Solutions group joins the Advantaged Investor podcast to discuss;

  • Q1 Review
  • Outlook for the rest of 2021
  • What about inflation?

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April 1, 2021- Chris Antony, investment specialist, fixed income with the Raymond James Private Client Solutions group joins the Advantaged Investor podcast to discuss;

  • How did environmental, social and governance investments perform in 2020 and what were some of the key trends it the space?
  • How do large institutional investors, such as pension funds, view ESG?
  • How are corporations embedding sustainability in their business models and what are their motivations?
  • What are the biggest ESG trends/catalysts expected in 2021?

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March 18, 2021- Greg Jizmejian, estate planning advisor, Raymond James Financial Planning, joins the Advantaged Investor podcast to discuss;

  1. How much life insurance is enough? Insuring minors and are you ever too old for life insurance?
  2. What’s the best type of life insurance?
  3. Can I qualify for life insurance if I had:
  • Heart attack
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure & cholesterol

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March 4, 2021 - Spencer Barnes, associate vice president, mutual fund and ETF strategy, joins the Advantaged Investor podcast to discuss;

  1. The importance of setting investment goals
  2. The biases that we have that affect our investing decisions
  3. Portfolio construction and investment themes

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February 18, 2021 - Debbie Wong, vice president, tax consulting, joins the Advantaged Investor podcast to discuss;

  1. Review of what's new for 2020 tax returns
  2. Why tax planning is important year round

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February 5, 2021 - Nadeem Kassam, senior equity specialist, from the Raymond James PCS Investment Strategy team, joins the Advantaged Investor podcast to discuss;

  1. Current state of the markets
  2. Whether market valuations are reasonable
  3. Outlook for the rest of 2021

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January 25, 2021 - Jennifer Hodgson, chief executive officer of Raymond James Trust (Canada) and Raymond James Trust (Quebec) Ltd., joins the Advantaged Investor podcast to discuss:

  1. What is the benefit to our clients and why was it important for Raymond James to enter the trust business?
  2. As a client, how do I know if trust services is something that makes sense for me? Or another way to put it, what are some of the situations clients would benefit from our offering?
  3. If I am client, and I see myself in those examples, what are my next steps?

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Decebmer 4, 2020 - Jason Castelli, vice president, head of investment strategy, provides a recap of the last quarter and a look into 2021.

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November 12, 2020 - Spencer Barnes, associate vice president & portfolio manager mutual funds & ETF strategy, provides an ESG investing overview, including:

  1. How big is ESG in the fund world?
  2. How is ESG and SRI incorporated into manage money products
  3. What is the fastest developing trend in the space?
  4. What is impact invest, and can it be done through the funds and ETF world?
  5. How does ESG investing work for fixed income?

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October 26, 2020 - Chris Antony, fixed Income / FX specialist, provides and ESG investing overview, including;

  1. What exactly is ESG?
  2. Why should investors care about ESG? Is it just a fad?
  3. What are some examples of ESG issues in the real world?

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October 7, 2020 - Chris Cafley, senior vice president, head of investment products and trading, talks about why structured notes are becoming more popular in this low rate environment.

  1. How can structured notes can help investors get access to yield?
  2. How the auto-callable income note and the fixed income note differ.
  3. Are these two notes considered fixed income substitutes?

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September 22, 2020 - Harvey Libby, vice president, fixed income and currencies, joins us to discuss:

  1. Advantage of Raymond James’ independence, when it comes to fixed income opportunities.
  2. Interest rates, recent history and where it’s going.
  3. Current fixed income opportunities.

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September 9, 2020 - Jason Castelli, vice president, head of investment strategy, joins us to discuss 2020 so far, and what may affect markets going into 2021.

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July 27, 2020 - Vince Murton, vice president, professional wealth advisory, retirement & financial planning, joins us to discuss:

  1. Financial planning and wealth management support at Raymond James.
  2. How could these areas assist a client who wants to pass the family cottage on to their children?
  3. What about a business owner preparing to sell their business?

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July 16, 2020 - Spencer Barnes, associate vice president, mutual fund and ETF strategy, joins us to discuss:

  1. Active versus passive in times of volatility
  2. ETF versus mutual funds during these times
  3. What are some of the opportunities in funds right now?

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July 9, 2020 - Jason Castelli, vice president, head of investment strategy in our Private Client Solutions, joins us to discuss:

  1. 2020 - first half review.
  2. 2020 - scenarios for the second half of the year.
  3. In terms of opportunity, we have seen tech do well in 2020. What other sectors of the economy look promising as we head into the second half of the year?

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June 17, 2020 - Janine Davies, vice president and executive director, Raymond James Canada Foundation, joins us to discuss:

  1. Overview of RJCF
  2. RJ Cares philanthropy
  3. Charitable funds, also know as donor advised funds

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June 11, 2020 - Chris Cafley, senior vice president, head of investment products and trading, joins us to discuss:

  1. How has the current situation (economic and medical) affected new issues of structured notes?
  2. How can structured notes help in times of low interest rates?
  3. What type of investor generally benefits from these products?

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June 3, 2020 - Debbie Wong, vice president, tax consulting, retirement & financial planning joins us to discuss:

  1. What are some of the tax implications for those receiving assistance from government Covid-19 support?
  2. Is there a way to tax plan for the unexpected?
  3. When you make individual accounts joint with spouses, what are some of the related tax implications?

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May 29, 2020 - Manager, retirement & financial planning joins us to discuss:

  1. Is it possible to plan for the unexpected?
  2. Do you think that going through this crisis will change how people view financial planning?
  3. Is it a good idea to defer things like credit card/mortgage payments as a form of COVID assistance as advertised by the banks? Does it affect things like credit score?

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May 20, 2020 - Robert Mark, portfolio manager, Private Client Services joins us to discuss:

  1. It’s often said that market has quote “priced the news in” can you give us some examples of this?
  2. As a portfolio manager has the role changed? Or, I guess more specifically has how you view and evaluate companies changed because of the pandemic?
  3. Since the start of the pandemic, financials have been hit hard. Can you talk about some of the concerns the market may have with Canadian banks and financials?

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May 12, 2020 - Mitch Schurmans, president, RJTC, Raymond James Trust (Canada), joins us to discuss:

  1. Of the new services available through the trust division which ones do you think are going to be early favourites with our advisors and their clients
  2. What does the ideal client look like, who might benefit from these new services?
  3. If a client, with the help of their advisor, becomes interested, how do we start the process of referring him to the trust company?

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May 5, 2020 - Larbi Moumni , senior equity specialist, PCS Investment Strategy, joins us to discuss:

  1. How are you positioning your portfolios today?
  2. What’s your allocation to the defensive companies versus the less the defensive companies?
  3. Why do you want to keep quality in mind?
  4. What do you consider to be a quality name?

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